Emergency Response Guide

Risk and Emergency Management, 与南苏丹联盟警察局以及其他几个部门和小组协调, has compiled the information below to serve as a quick reference guide for faculty, staff, students and guests in the event of an emergency on campus.
Every employee should become familiar with this guide, 对新员工进行培训,让他们遵守这些程序和各自区域的建筑物疏散计划. In instances where an evacuation plan differs from these instructions, the evacuation plan for the building will supersede this guide.
Emergency Contacts
Safety Resources
- 世界杯官方app Police/Fire/Rescue/Hazmat: (210) 458-4911 (from 世界杯官方app phone: 911)
- 世界杯官方app Police Non-Emergency: (210) 458-4242
- Risk & Emergency Management: (210) 458-5250 or beprepared@ricapro.net
Counseling and Health Services
- For Students
- Wellbeing Services: (210) 458-4140
- Wellness 360: (210) 458-4142
- For Employees
- Employee Assistance Program: (888) 993-7650
Other Contact Numbers
- Tech Cafe: (210) 458-5555
- Rowdy Watch Safety Escorts: (210) 458-4242
To learn more about safety resources and services available to students, faculty and staff, visit the Campus Safety Resources webpage.
Safety Reminders
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Awareness is your best defense. Know what is happening around you. Be especially careful and alert if you are alone. Watch where you are going and what is going on around you. Look for potential problems and be prepared to react to them. Avoid going to secluded areas.
Trust Your Instincts
If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. 无论是独自一人还是在一群人中,如果你认为有什么不对,就把自己从这种情况中移开. Don't be afraid to call for help.
When Walking, Plan the Safest and Most Direct Route
Use well-lit, busy streets, sidewalks and pathways. Walk with friends or a group, especially at night. Always let someone you trust know where you will be going, how you will be getting there and when you plan to return. 避开你不熟悉的地方,小巷,无人的街道,僻静的地方和树木繁茂的地方.
Project Confidence
Walk as if you know where you are going. Stand tall. Walk in a confident manner, and hold your head up. Keep your eyes off your mobile device while you are walking.
If You Are Being Followed or Feel Threatened, Be Proactive
Cross the street, change direction and go to a safe, busy and well-lit area where you can ask for help or call the police. If a car is following you, turn around and walk in the opposite direction if possible. Write down the license plate number and a description of the car and occupants.
Report Suspicious Activity
Criminals do not want to be seen or heard. They rarely commit crime in front of police officers. We rely on the community to report suspicious activity. 我们宁愿回应你而不被需要,也不愿在犯罪本来可以被预防或阻止的时候不被召唤. Trust your instincts; if something does not feel right, it probably isn't.
Program the 世界杯官方app Police Number into Your Phone
On 世界杯官方app campuses, our police department can respond to emergencies much faster than local law enforcement. Call (210) 458-4911 for emergencies and (210) 458-4242 for police assistance with non-emergencies.
Gunfire, Shooter, Hostage or Other Active Threat
During an act of violence (e.g. robbery, hostage situation, workplace violence, active shooter): AVOID, DENY, DEFEND.
AVOID starts with your state of mind.
- Pay attention to your surroundings.
- Have an exit plan.
- Move away from the source of the threat as quickly as possible.
- The more distance and barriers between you and the threat, the better.
DENY when getting away is difficult or impossible.
- Keep distance between you and the source.
- Create barriers to prevent or slow down a threat from getting to you.
- Turn the lights off.
- Remain out of sight and quiet by hiding behind large objects and silence your phone.
DEFEND because you have the right to protect yourself.
- If you cannot AVOID or DENY, be prepared to defend yourself.
- Be aggressive and committed to your actions.
- Do not fight fairly. THIS IS ABOUT SURVIVAL.
COMPLY with first responders.
When and if it is safe to do so, call 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911 (from 世界杯官方app phones: 911). Tell the dispatcher:
- Location of active shooter(s).
- Number of shooters.
- Physical description of shooters.
- Number and type of weapons shooters have.
- Number of potential victims within the location.
When law enforcement arrives:
- Remain calm and follow instructions.
- Drop items in your hands.
- Raise your hands and keep them visible at all times.
- Do not yell, scream or point.
- Keep calm and provide details to law enforcement when requested.
Menacing Behavior
When you suspect menacing behavior:
- Stay calm and unhurried in your response to the person. Alert others to the situation.
- Be empathetic and show your concern by active listening.
- Try to sit down with the person, as sitting is a less aggressive posture than standing or moving around.
- Be helpful. Schedule an appointment for a later time, take notes.
- Provide positive feedback such as, “We can get this straightened out,” or “I'm glad you're telling me how you feel about this.”
- Stay out of arm's reach.
- Limit eye contact. Keep within social norms.
- Do not argue, yell or joke. Try to be genuine.
- Do not touch the person. Respect the person and their space.
- Don't move quickly, speak too fast or too loudly.
If the individual's level of agitation increases, attempt the following:
- Leave the scene.
- Notify the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911 or (from 世界杯官方app phones: 911).
- Alert coworkers using an agreed-upon code word to indicate trouble.
- Do not allow menacing behavior to go unreported.
Persons Requiring Evacuation Assistance
Assisting Blind/Visually Impaired
- Clearly announce the type of emergency.
- Offer your arm for guidance.
- Tell the person where you are going, and alert him/her to obstacles along the way.
Assisting the Deaf/Hearing Impaired
- Turn lights on and off to gain the person's attention.
- Indicate directions with gestures or written note.
Mobility Impaired
To assist those requiring evacuation assistance, engage in the following:
- Call 世界杯官方appPD at (210) 458-4911 if someone is immobile and needs additional assistance evacuating.
- Do not use elevators.
- 寻找志愿者协助有身体残疾的学生/人员到最近的封闭楼梯或指定区域进行救援援助.
- 如果可以在不造成不合理的个人风险的情况下,一个人应该和这个人呆在一起. If the hazard becomes life-threatening (i.e., 火势正在逼近,或者烟雾有使人窒息的危险)把病人转移到房间里,并关上门. Vacate the building.
- 其他人应该通知紧急救援人员的位置,以便疏散可以完成.
如果你不能安全撤离大楼,因为你不会使用电梯,你没有疏散计划, look for a university employee (staff, faculty, floor captain with yellow/orange vest) and make your need for assistance known. If a university employee is unable or unavailable to assist, please secure yourself in an enclosed exit stairwell, note the location of the stairwell (i.e. S-1, S-2, etc.), call 世界杯官方app Police immediately with your location, and if other people are present when the emergency occurs, ask someone to send help for you.
Fire or Explosion
In the event of a fire:
- 拉响最近的火警警报,如果安全的话,按照预先规划的疏散路线离开.
- Dial (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones) and give your name and location of the fire. (If necessary, dial 911 from another building.)
When a fire alarm sounds, occupants should:
- 根据张贴的疏散计划,立即从出口撤离,并与建筑物保持安全距离. If the primary exit is blocked, choose the best alternate route. If time permits, close doors and windows behind you.
- Do not use an elevator.
If there is smoke in the area, remain close to the floor.
- Before passing through any door, feel the metal doorknob. If it is hot, do not open the door. Before opening a door, brace yourself against it slightly; if heat or heavy smoke are present, close the door and stay in the room.
- If you cannot leave the room:
- Open the windows.
- 用衣服或其他材料密封门周围的裂缝,如果可能的话,用水浸泡.
- Hang an object (bedsheet, jacket, shirt, etc.) out the window to gain attention.
- Shout for help.
- If possible, call (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones) and report that you are trapped.
- If all exits are found to be blocked, go to a room as far as possible from the fire, close the door, and the follow the above procedures.
As with any emergency, the best advice is to be prepared by familiarizing yourself with evacuation route plans.
- Immediately evacuate the building, using your pre-planned route if possible.
- Call the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones). Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so, stay on the phone with the police dispatcher.
Hazardous Materials
General Instructions
- Placards are posted outside all rooms containing hazardous materials or equipment.
- Notify the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911.
- Do not touch, taste or smell the material.
- Isolate the area.
- Notify people in the neighboring offices and classrooms.
- Hazardous material spills can result in fire, explosion, release of toxic fumes, and contamination of water, among other effects. In the event of a spill of possibly hazardous materials, leave the area via the preplanned evacuation route.
Chemical Spills
所有使用和储存危险材料的校园实验室都有详细的安全程序. 如果你遇到化学品泄漏,而现场没有受过训练的人员:
- Turn off space heaters and extinguish open flames in the area if it is safe to do so.
- If there are vapors or noxious fumes, 撤离受影响的区域或建筑物,在获得授权的紧急救援人员发出“所有安全信号”之前,不要再进入该区域。.
Radioactive Materials
- Radioactive materials are utilized in some campus laboratories. 那些可能遇到的被认为是低水平的辐射源,如果妥善储存和处理,构成的威胁最小.
- If you believe that you or others have come into contact with radioactivity on your skin, clothes or shoes, 在安全办公室人员检查并清除放射性污染之前,请留在安全距离外的区域.
Medical Emergencies
Medical Emergency/Ambulance Guidelines
- Immediately notify the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911.
- Do not move a seriously injured person unless they are in a life-threatening situation.
- Render first-aid or CPR only if you have been trained.
- Do not leave the injured person except to summon help.
- When reporting the medical emergency, provide the following information:
- Type of emergency.
- Location of the victim.
- Condition of the victim.
- Any dangerous conditions.
- Comfort the victim until emergency medical services arrive.
- 当救护车到达附近时,派人站在大楼外示意救护车停下来.
- If you are exposed to another person's body fluids, wash the exposed area and contact a health care professional.
Severe Weather
- It takes only two feet of rushing water to carry away most vehicles. This includes pickups and SUVs.
- If flooding occurs, get to higher ground. Get out of areas subject to flooding.
- Avoid areas already flooded, especially if the water is flowing fast. Do not attempt to cross flowing streams. Turn around, don't drown!
- Road beds may be washed out under flood waters. Never drive through flooded roadways.
- Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers.
Weather Closure Information
Information regarding weather closures at 世界杯官方app is available via a variety of resources:
- 世界杯官方app Today
- The university's official social channels on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
- Information will be sent via 世界杯官方app Alerts through text or email. Always ensure your personal contact information on My世界杯官方app Account is up to date.
- 当地媒体:大学关闭的消息通过广播和电视台在整个地区传播.
Tornado or Severe Thunderstorms
A tornado or severe thunderstorm watch means conditions are favorable for development. Continue normal activities but monitor local weather conditions. Use good, independent judgment at all times.
If the approaching severe weather is deemed to pose an immediate threat to the area, the watch may be elevated to a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning. You should take the following steps:
- Notify the building occupants of the weather warning.
- If it is a thunderstorm warning, you should stay indoors and away from windows until the storm passes. Report injuries to (210) 458-4911. When calling, provide the following information:
- Building name, room number and/or location.
- Type of emergency.
- Condition of victim(s).
- Any dangerous conditions.
- If it is a tornado warning, you should seek shelter in one of the severe weather shelters (any restroom) immediately.
- If you are in a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a sturdy building. 如果没有建筑物,沟渠或峡谷等洼地可以提供一些保护.
- Basements, interior hallways/rooms, and bathrooms on the lower floors with no windows or exterior walls, offer the best shelter.
- After danger has passed, immediately report any injuries to the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911.
- 立即离开严重受损的建筑物,除非接到指示,否则不要试图返回建筑物.
- Do not attempt to turn utilities or equipment on or off.
Shelter in Place
- Seek shelter immediately in any campus building away from windows. If you are in a building, remain there. If not, go inside immediately. 如果可能的话,关闭所有门窗,关掉暖气和空调系统.
- If you are in a vehicle at the time of the notification to protect in place, you should close doors and windows, turn off your heating or air conditioning, and then drive out of the at-risk area or to a building you can enter for protection.
- Remain calm, conserve your energy, 等待一切安全的通知或进一步的疏散指示.
Suspicious Mail or Packages
The following characteristics may identify suspicious parcels:
- Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
- Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or is otherwise outdated (e.g., improper title).
- No return address, or one that can't be verified as legitimate.
- Has any powdery substance on the outside.
- Is lopsided or of unusual weight, given its size.
- Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as "Personal" or "Confidential."
- Protruding wires, strange odors or stains.
- Has an unusual amount of tape.
- Has excessive postage applied.
- A city or state in the postmark that doesn't match the return address.
If you receive a suspicious parcel in the mail:
- Do not open the parcel.
- Isolate the piece of mail.
- Call the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones) for additional instructions.
- Do not pass the letter/parcel to others.
- Deny access to the letter/parcel to everyone except emergency responders.
- Move to an area that minimizes your exposure to others and to the parcel.
- If possible, wash your hands and face with soap and water.
If you open a parcel that appears to be contaminated:
- Do not move the parcel.
- Call the 世界杯官方app Police Department at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones).
- Turn off any fans, window air conditioners and/or small area heaters.
- Isolate the area. Evacuate the adjoining areas.
- Everyone who is evacuated should report to the building's pre-planned assembly area.
- Do not pass the letter/parcel to others. Deny access to the letter to everyone except emergency responders.
- 打开包裹的个人和任何与包裹接触过的人都应该保持隔离, in an area adjacent to the original location, and wait for additional instructions from responding emergency personnel. If possible, 接触过包裹的个人应用肥皂和水洗手.
Threats (Bomb, Physical, Terrorist)
Bomb Threat
所有学生和工作人员将按照预先规划的疏散路线撤离大楼. 除了被指定为搜索队的人员外,任何人不得自行留在大楼内.
If you receive a bomb threat, follow the following procedures:
- Bomb threats may be received by telephone, e-mail or letter. If you receive a bomb threat, remain calm and obtain as much of the following information as possible:
- Exact location of bomb.
- When it is going to explode.
- What kind of bomb it is.
- Why it was placed where it was.
- Who the caller is.
- Immediately call the 世界杯官方app Police Department (世界杯官方appPD) at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones). Provide any information that you have received, specifically the location and the time the bomb is supposed to explode.
- 如果威胁是书面的,不要再处理信件或便条,除非必要.
- Do not touch or move any unfamiliar objects. Wait for police to arrive on the scene.
- The senior 世界杯官方appPD official on site will determine if an evacuation is warranted. 如果建筑物被疏散,说明所有建筑物内的人在指定的会议区域.
- The President or their designee will make all decisions regarding cancellation of classes.
Physical Threat
- Immediately evacuate the area, using your pre-planned evacuation route.
- Call 世界杯官方appPD at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones). Inform them of the situation with as much information as is available. If it is safe to do so, stay on the phone with the police dispatcher.
Terrorism Threat
Terrorism threats should be reported immediately to 世界杯官方appPD at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones). Threats will be investigated as a crime. If a threat appears to involve imminent danger, facilities will be evacuated. 世界杯官方appPD will make this determination.
Utility Failure or Water Contamination
Utility Failure
In case of utility failure (electricity, water, gas) call 世界杯官方appPD at (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones).
If trapped in an elevator, call 世界杯官方appPD with the following information:
- Building name.
- Floor number.
- Room # (if applicable).
- Nature of problem.
- Person or telephone extension to contact.
Remain in place until notified. Individuals in corridors and exit stairs should evacuate while emergency lights are on. Emergency lighting is temporary and is not provided to continue building operations.
Electrical Outage
- 如火警响起或经授权的紧急救援人员通知,请撤离建筑物.
- In laboratory buildings, fume hoods do not operate during a power outage. Do not use laboratories until the ventilation is properly restored.
Gas Leak/Unusual Odors
- Cease all operations immediately.
- Do not use cell phones or other electronic equipment.
- Do not switch lights on or off.
- Evacuate as soon as possible.
Flooding/Plumbing Failure
- Cease using all electrical equipment.
- Avoid contact with the water.
- Evacuate the building if necessary.
Water Contamination
If there is an emergency affecting the water supply:
- 遵循当地政府世界杯官方app净水的所有指示(通常称为“煮沸命令”)或使用其他水源,直到当局通知你的社区可以再次安全饮用常规供水.
- Use the safest water you have first before turning to other water sources.
After the Emergency
Whether an emergency is weather-related, workplace violence or a fire, 必须采取适当的措施,以确保遵守保护设施的程序.
If an individual is injured or becomes ill due to the workplace environment, follow these procedures:
- Ensure that the individual has received appropriate medical care.
- 通知个人的直接主管受伤/疾病和周围的事件.
- Ensure that an accident report is submitted. Reports for student injuries should be submitted to Wellness 360 at (210) 458-4142. Reports for faculty/staff injuries should be submitted to Risk and Emergency Management at (210) 458-5250.
Damage to Your Building or Other Property
If your building, equipment or 世界杯官方app vehicle has received damage during an emergency, 您应该通知建筑物主管或您的直接主管损坏情况和紧急维修设施的需要. Also notify Risk and Emergency Management at (210) 458-4250.
How to Report a Crime
世界杯官方app maintains a 24-hour, 7 days per week operation. Sworn police officers and state certified dispatchers are on duty to respond to any crime, suspected crime or incident requiring police attention. Emergency phones are available throughout campus. 世界杯官方app警察局(世界杯官方appPD)积极参与新生培训计划和其他计划,以提高犯罪意识和报告.
If you are the victim of crime, suspect that a crime has been committed or have witnessed a crime, report it to 世界杯官方appPD:
- Emergency:
- (210) 458-4911 or 911 (from 世界杯官方app phones)
- Non-Emergency:
- (210) 458-4242
- Through the Silent Witness Program